The Church is Organized
November 17, 1866
A few Baptists, under the leadership of the Rev. Mr. George W. Freeman, met in the old stone schoolhouse, which stood on the southeast corner of Georgia Avenue and First Street S.E. to organize the First Baptist Church. Less than a year later on September 5, 1867 the Church was received into the fellowship of the Cedar Valley Baptist Association of the Iowa Baptist Convention.
November 19, 1876
Ten years after its organization, the first church building was constructed. It was dedicated on November 19, 1876 and originally stood on the same site as the present day church. It was constructed for the reported cost of $4,050.00. and stood for 19 years until it was tragically destroyed by fire on February 8, 1895.
May 10, 1896
After the fiery destruction of the old church building, construction began almost immediately on the present day building (125 East State Street). It took just over a year to build, and original construction costs reached $18,200.00. Dedication of the new Church took place on May 10, 1896.
November 1927
In November of 1927 fire once again swept the church causing severe damage, but thankfully not a total loss. $15,000.00 was spent on repairs and improvement to once again restore the church.
September 27, 1953
In 1953 more interior work was done on the building. The beautiful pipe organ and updated sanctuary were rededicated following the $10,000 renovation program.
March 21, 1962
After two years of preparation and research, the Building Council presented the membership of the church plans for the new Christian Education Unit. The church voted to build! The trustees were authorized to enter into contract with Henkel Construction Company for a cost of approximately $85,000.00. A month later on April 8, 1962 the ground breaking ceremony was held on the site of the new unit. Eight months later the project was finished, and on December 9, 1962 the new Christian Education Unit was dedicated.
June 23, 1991
In 1991 work was done on the interior and exterior of the church. Dedication of the newly redecorated sanctuary and exterior took place on June 23rd that same year.
June 2003, August 2008
In June of 2003 the sanctuary roof was severely damaged in a hailstorm. Repairs were made quickly, and were followed with new roof materials for the classrooms of the 1962 Christian Education Unit classrooms in August 2008.
Nullam non wisi a sem eleifend. Donec mattis libero eget urna.
August 11, 2002 | (10 ) Comments
Nullam non wisi a sem eleifend. Donec mattis libero eget urna.
August 11, 2002 | (10 ) Comments
Nullam non wisi a sem eleifend. Donec mattis libero eget urna.
August 11, 2002 | (10 ) Comments
Nullam non wisi a sem eleifend. Donec mattis libero eget urna.
August 11, 2002 | (10 ) Comments
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